Saturday, February 21, 2009

Thankful for Sunshine! :)

What an awful few days we have had! Apperantly our little family likes to defy the odds and try new things. (ha ha) The Dr's said we could not have strep because it doesn't present with a cough! And that fevers from strep should be gone within 24hours... and Cam kept his for 3 days.

So all 3 of the older ones ended up with strep... though because of timing and confusing at the Dr's office, they only have *all* been on antibiotics for just shy of 24 hours now. All the kids have ALSO had a viral chest cold... which in taking my grey/blue 3 yr old to the ER yesturday, they said was Bronchitis/RSV. Joy! LOL! They have all been *really* sick. We have had coughs, vomitting, aches, pains, blue spells, tears and sleepless nights. Add that to the fun of endless breathing treatments, and various medications (I had to keep a list to know when who had what! LOL) for the last 4 days... and oh boy! *I* started with fever, bodyaches, painful cough and extreme fatigue yesterday morning. We have been a barrel of fun this week!!

So... Our first official week of Home school has been delayed somewhat... which is one of the blessings of Home schooling anyway...right? We aren't behind... we will just begin where we left off!! *grin*

This afternoon, those on antibiotics, though still contagious, are finally feeling a bit better, so they have been quietly playing outside in this lovely 50 degree weather and sun we are finally being blessed with!! (Yea... for me... I am going to go take some more tylenol and lay down in the quiet! tee hee hee)

We will comence again with our studies Monday Morning! ;)

1 comment:

  1. Oh...I hope you guys get better soon. RSV is really wreaking havoc this season. Ugh! Let me know if you need dinner, I could use it as a blog entry on my food blog! :)
